the fall of giants
Their footsteps trembled the world for us.
We quaked from the echoes of their presence
As we lived among giants.
As children,
We watched breathless
As we caught our first glimpse.
Our faces turned to them like sunflowers
And some part of our hearts stuttered
And began to tick in time.
Always behind the beat we followed,
Pale imitations
Of the giants that walked among us.
We reach out hands and grasp to touch greatness
If only for the smallest of moments,
And cherish forever a name written by the hand of a giant.
They pulled notes from a guitar that the maker never dreamed were there,
Or walked on silver wearing many faces,
Or sang songs of the stars
And we thrilled to the scansion and beat,
Convinced that we could fly among them.
Our giants shaped the world for us
And we sway like long grass at their passing, as they pass.
They fall and the world becomes still
And silent
And so cold.
And we hold the pieces of them that they left for us
Above our heads to catch the very last of their light.
#lemmy #rickman #bowie
© mjc 19 January 2016